If you want to dissolve all of the "Watchtarded" logic you should progress to Bibletarded logic:
1) Open up the Bible to Exodus 20 where the Ten Commandments are written. Then go to Exodus 34 where a second set of ten commandments, claiming to be like the original ones but give out a very different set of commands such as my favorite one: Commandment 10: “Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.” - Exodus 34:26
2) Quote Deuteronomy 25:11-12 and ask your family about their opinions on that verse.
3) Read where Jesus curses entire towns for not being impressed by his miracles but later asks God to forgive his murderers. Matthew 11:20-24 compared to Luke23:34. Make a snide remark about it.
Let the cognitive dissonance set in.